Update sales orders that need attention
Our Amazon Seller integration validates orders when they’re downloaded to ensure the order data is complete.
If data is missing from an order, Cin7 Omni will set the sales order’s Stage to Needs Attention, its Cin7 Omni Status to Open, and its 3PL Status to Do Not Transfer, so it’s not inadvertently fulfilled in Cin7 Omni.
If you download a sales order with incomplete data, you must manually or automatically update the sales order before fulfillment.
Our Amazon Seller integration validates orders when they’re downloaded to ensure the sales order is not missing this data:
first name, last name, or email address
shipping and billing information
line items.
If this data is missing, Cin7 Omni will stop the sales order from being inadvertently fulfilled until you’ve reviewed it and entered the missing data:
Affected sales orders won’t auto-dispatch: The Cin7 Omni Status of affected orders will default to Open. This overrides the default you’ve set in the settings of your Amazon Seller integration (field: Auto Dispatch Orders).
Affected sales orders won’t automatically transfer to your 3PL: The 3PL Status of affected orders will default to Do Not Transfer To 3PL. This overrides the default you’ve set in the settings of your Amazon Seller integration (field: Set Default 3PL Status).
Affected sales orders will be marked for your attention: The Stage of affected orders will default to Needs Attention. This overrides the default you’ve set in the settings of your Amazon Seller integration (field: Set Default Stage To).
You must find, update, and fulfill affected sales orders manually.
Find affected sales orders
First, enable the Needs Attention filter:
Log in to Cin7 Omni as an administrator.
From the user menu, select Settings.
Select Sales and then Sales Order Settings.
On the General tab, under the Stage section, select Add Group and type “Needs Attention” into the new field.
Scroll down and select Save.
Now you can filter your sales orders to only return those with the Stage Needs Attention:
From the navigation, select Sales and then Sales Orders.
In the filters, set Stage to Needs Attention and then select Search.
In the search results, you’ll only see sales orders with incomplete data that need your attention.
Update and fulfill affected sales orders
Either have the sales order updated and marked for fulfillment automatically, or update and mark it for fulfillment manually.
Automatic update and fulfillment
To download the missing data directly from Amazon, you must backdate and run the function that downloads Amazon Seller sales orders:
Log in to Cin7.
From the Integrations menu in the navigation, select you Amazon Seller integration.
Select Settings.
Open the Settings tab.
Set Download Orders Updated in Amazon Seller After to a time and date before the Created Date of the affected sales order.
Select Save.
Return to the Amazon Seller integration's dashboard and select Download Orders.
If all the missing data is downloaded, Cin7 will update the sales order's Stage, Cin7 Status and 3PL Status according to your Amazon Seller integration's defaults.
Manual update and fulfillment
In Cin7, open an affected sales order. Data could be missing from these fields:
Email Address
First Name
Last Name
Delivery Address (all fields)
Billing Address (all fields)
Line items could also be missing.
You must open the corresponding order in Amazon Seller Central, find the missing data, and enter it into the sales order in Cin7.
Now it’s safe to fulfill as usual:
Change its Stage from Needs Attention and select Save.
If you want to mark it as dispatched, type the date into Fully Dispatched and select Save.
And if you want to transfer it to your 3PL for fulfillment, select Save to Admin, change its 3PL Status from Do Not Transfer to 3PL, and then select Save.