Sync sales orders with Starshipit

Sync sales orders with Starshipit


You can sync orders with Starshipit for labeling and picking.

Sync sales orders and branch transfers

Sales Orders are synced with Starshipit if the following conditions are satisfied:

  • The Transaction is Approved.

  • The Stage of the Transaction is set to Fully Picked.

Dispatching Stock

When you change the stage of an order to Fully Picked, Cin7 Omni will try to dispatch the stock.
If you find that there is not enough stock to pick the order then you will need to either backorder the items not in stock, or if the Cin7 Omni Stock is wrong, then create an adjustment for the stock that should be in Cin7 Omni.

  • The fully dispatched field is empty.

Once these conditions are met you can import the orders directly into Cin7 Omni:

  1. Log into your Starshipit  account

  2. Select the "Import" dropdown, then select Import All.


All Sales Orders (and Branch Transfers) will be transferred to Starshipit, where you can print labels and dispatch.

Update the sales order

Once a transaction has been dispatched in Starshipit, the following fields in Cin7 Omni Sales Orders will be updated:

  • Tracking Code - populated with the tracking code

  • Internal Comments - populated with carrier name and date received

  • Fully Dispatched date - populated with fully dispatched date


Are hidden items in an Order sent to Starshipit?

If an item in a Cin7 Omni sales order is set to Hide (under Format), the hidden item will not be sent to Starshipit.

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