Cartonize EDI orders

Cartonize EDI orders


Find out how to cartonize electronic data interchange (EDI) orders.

Cartonization is the process of recording how the goods in an electronic data interchange (EDI) order are packaged into cartons for shipping. It involves (a) assigning each carton of goods a unique serial shipping container code (SSCC) and (b) recording which goods are in each carton.

Cartonization is performed per linked sales order – that is, since you package each linked sales order separately, you must cartonize each linked sales order separately too:

  • For linked sales orders packaged into one carton only, you perform single-carton cartonization.

  • For linked sales orders packaged into multiple cartons, you perform either one of two methods of multi-carton cartonization:

    • Consistent – each carton contains only one type of good.

    • Mixed – at least one carton contains multiple types of goods.

Single-carton cartonization

  1. Log in to EDI Dashboard.

  2. Open the order (select inside the Customer PO column).

Either (a) perform single-carton cartonization on one linked sales order:

  1. Hover your cursor over the cog icon in the Order Ref column of the linked sales order to cartonize, and from the menu that displays, select Cartonization.

  2. Set Cartonization based on to Single Carton.

  3. Select Cartonize.

  4. Optionally, enter the carton’s weight, dimensions, volume, and tracking number.

  5. Select Update Carton.

Or (b) perform single-carton cartonization on an entire group of linked sales orders:

  1. In the group header, select Update All under SSCC No.

  2. Select Single Carton from the dropdown menu.

  3. Select Save.

Multi-carton cartonization

  1. Log in to EDI Dashboard.

  2. Open the order (select inside the Customer PO column).

  3. Hover your cursor over the cog icon in the Order Ref column of the linked sales order to cartonize, and from the menu that displays, select Cartonization.

If (a) every carton contains only one type of good (SKU), use the consistent method:

  1. Set Cartonization based on to Consistent.

  2. For each SKU:

    1. Enter How many pieces per carton?

    2. Optionally, enter the carton’s weight, dimensions, volume, and tracking number.

    3. Select Create Cartons.

  3. Select Update.

  4. Select Save.

Else, if (b) any carton contains multiple types of goods (SKU), use the mixed method:

  1. Set Cartonization based on to Mixed.

  2. For each carton:

    1. Enter the carton number (or name) into Tick to allocate products to carton (in the Cin7 Omni backend, this is known as the OuterCtn#).

    2. For each SKU in this carton:

      1. Select the SKU (that is, select the checkbox in the Cartonization column).

      2. Enter the quantity of this SKU in the carton in the Cartonization column (the Quantity column shows the total quantity of this SKU ordered).

    3. Select Close Carton.

    4. Optionally, enter the carton’s weight, dimensions, volume, and tracking number.

    5. Select Update Carton.

  3. Select Update.

  4. Select Save.

When is cartonization complete?

You’ve finished cartonizing a linked sales order when it says Done in the SSCC No column, and you've cartonized all linked sales orders when the order says Done in the Dispatch column on the EDI Dashboard.

Once you’ve cartonized the linked sales orders, continue processing the order (create and export the Advance Shipping Notice):

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