Check sales orders and credit notes have COGS generated

Check sales orders and credit notes have COGS generated


You can check that your Sales Orders and Customer Credit Notes have COGS generated.

Generate COGS

Sales Orders and Customer Credit Notes require ALL these conditions to be met for accurate COGS to be generated.

  1. For Sales Orders the Fully Dispatched Date and Invoice Date must be entered. The Qty Ordered must equal the Qty Dispatch for every line item in the Sales Order. COGS will not be calculated for any variance between these two numbers.

  2. For Customer Credit Notes the Completed Date and Credit Note Date must be entered. The Qty must equal the Qty Moved for every line item in the Customer Credit Note. COGS will not be calculated for any variance between these two numbers.

  3. For each Sales Order and Customer Credit Note the Accounting Status (or Accounting Invoice Status) must show either Imported or Do Not Import (if batched). This is found in the sales order or credit note admin page.

Once the above criteria have been met Cin7 Omni will automatically calculate the COGS within the next 24 hours.
If you do not want to wait the 24 hours, you can immediately get Cin7 Omni to calculate the COGS by following the additional steps below to regenerate the COGS immediately.

Check sales orders and customer credit notes

  1. Select the Sales Order and Customer Credit Note Report link in the Reconciliation module.

  2. Select the Start Date and End Date according to the dates that you are reconciling.

  3. Click Search to run the report.

  4. Review the Invoice Status column to check that all rows have the status set as Imported or Do Not Import. If a row has the status of Do Not Import then it should also have a reference captured in the Payment Batch Reference column, which indicates that it was batched for syncing to your Accounting software.

  5. If any row does not have the correct Invoice Status or Payment Batch reference as required, then it indicates that COGS has not been calculated for these rows.

  6. Review these items individually in the Sales Orders or Credit Notes modules as appropriate.

  • Some transactions that are correctly synced to the Accounting software may have $0 COGS generated for them. This is expected if:

    • The total cost of the stock items being sold are $0.

    • The Sales Order is for selling non-stock items (e.g. the product is listed as Non-stock within the Product module, or does not exist in the Product module at all). Cin7 Omni does not track the cost of Non-stock items.


If Sales Orders and Customer Credit Notes do not have COGS generated when it should have it generated and they do not fall under the two scenarios above, please follow these additional steps to generate COGS immediately for them:

For Xero / QuickBooks Online

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Accounting.

  2. Select your accounting dashboard.

  3. Click the Adjustments & COGS tab.

  4. Click the COGS sub-tab.

  5. Click the Refresh Data button.

For QuickBooks Enterprise

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Accounting.

  2. Select your accounting dashboard.

  3. Select Choose (next to Import COGS).

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