Add a new EDI connection

Add a new EDI connection


You can easily add, and request new and existing, EDI connections through your Cin7 Omni account.

The App Store allows you to add new EDI connections to your account.

App store

To navigate to your Cin7 Omni App Store:

  1. Log in to Cin7 Omni using your Administrator account.

  2. From the left navigation, select App Store.

  3. From the App Store, navigate to the Retailers tab to display a list of current Cin7 Omni EDI Connections.

  4. Select the 3PL of your choice and select Request App Installation.

  5. The 3PL Connection will be added to your account, and a Cin7 Omni Integrations Analyst will be in contact with you shortly after adding the connection.

You can monitor the status and stage of your connection using the EDI/3PL Portal; see the Using the EDI/3PL Portal Help article for additional information.

If your EDI Connection is not on the Cin7 Omni EDI page, please contact Cin7 Support for additional help.

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