Add POS tabs

Add POS tabs


You can add tabs to get quick access to popular products, categories, or addons, from the POS. For example, you could add popular products, or common items that you can upsell.

Setup POS tabs

  1. Once logged in as an Administrator, you will see your username on the top right corner.  Select your username, then select Settings.

  2. Select Products, then select POS Tabs.

  3. Select Add New.

  4. Enter a name; for example, "Popular Products".

  5. Select Insert.

Next, add the POS Tabs drop-down list to the Product Form.

  1. Once logged in as an Administrator, you will see your username on the top right corner.  Select your username, then select Settings.

  2. Select Products, then select Product Settings.

  3. Scroll down and in the Show Additional Fields In The Product Form section, select POS Tabs and choose where you want it to appear.

  4. Select Save.

Finally, add the tabs to products so that they appear.

  1. From the left navigation, select Products.

  2. Search for a product, and select the product you want to edit.

  3. From the newly created POS tabs drop-down, choose an option.

  4. Select Save and Continue, Save & Create New or Save and Close.

    1. In order for the tabs to appear, you must have at least one product assigned to a tab.

    2. When logged into POS, select Sync Settings to view updates to the POS Tabs

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