Manage account details

Manage account details


This article will guide with the steps in setting up and maintaining your Account Details.

You can also cancel your account by making a request to our support team.

Open account details

  1. Login as an Administrator.

  2. Select your user name from the top right, and select Account Details.

  1. You can view your account details on this page.

Field explanations



Change password   

This link will prompt you to enter your email address, following which you will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password.


Click on the statement link to see your current statement, including an option to pay online. This also shows recently paid invoices.

Company Name      

This is your company name.                                                                                      

Authority Contact First Name

The first name of the Authority contact. The Authority contact is the individual who has authority over your Cin7 Omni account. Please check the Cin7 Omni Terms of Use for a complete definition under Authorized Person.

Authority Contact Last Name

The Last name of the Authority contact.                                                                    

Authority Contact Email

The email address by which Cin7 Omni can contact the Authority account.              

Authority Contact Phone

The phone number by which Cin7 Omni can contact the Authority account.             

Time Zone              

The account Time Zone can be changed to match the time zone of the country you operate in.

Changing the Time Zone will mean that the correct time is shown against transactions.

The default time zone is New Zealand Standard Time (NZST).                                 


Changing the Culture will make minor changes to the system, such as spellings, date formats, and currency symbols based on the selected culture.

User Allowed IP Addresses

If you want to limit all users so that they can only access the system from a specific location. Enter the IP address or, if multiple addresses, separated by commas.

If you just wish to limit specific users, you may also specify permitted IP addresses at the user level.

Company Logo

Upload a logo here. Your company logo will be displayed in:                                    

  • Your Cin7 Omni Account (Top left of Cin7 Omni, which links back to the dashboard).

  • Documents (In the header of invoices, packing slips, and all other printed Cin7 Omni documents).

  • Emails (In the email footer of all emails sent from Cin7 Omni).

  • On your B2B site, once set up.


The logo can also be changed via the Launchpad. The logo uploaded here can be changed with a low-resolution picture in the Receipt Builder for POS receipts.


At the very top of this page is a company name that I set up while creating my account. Can this be changed?

Yes, but only by contacting Cin7 Omni Support.  This name, which usually takes the format CompanyNameUS, is the unique name for your account.    

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