Cancel your account

Cancel your account


In the event that you wish to cancel your account, a request must be sent to our Customer Success Team. The process and required details must be completed in order to process your request correctly.

Cancel your account

  1. Log a new case using Cin7 Omni Support. Please note that only an Administrator or Authority Contact can request to close an existing account due to privacy and security reasons.

  2. Ensure your request contains all of the following details:

  • The name of the company,

  • Your contact name and phone number

  • Reasons for the cancellation.

  1. Upon receiving the cancellation request, a member of our Customer Success Team will contact the Administrator by email and phone to confirm the cancellation.

A cancellation request must be made to Cin7 Omni Support in writing. Any cancellation request made over the phone will not be considered.

After your account has been closed, neither you nor any associated users will be able to log into the system.

Cancellation period

The account will be put through the closing process after completion of the 20-day notice period, as defined in the Cin7 Omni Terms of Use. This means:

  • A cancellation request made by the 10th of a calendar month will be processed by the end of the same month.

  • A cancellation request made after the 10th of a calendar month will be processed at the end of the following month, and the account will therefore be billed as per the subscription for the month following the cancellation request.

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