Locked transactions

Locked transactions


Cin7 Omni prevents Standard or Manager users from editing transactions after a period of time. Locking these transactions can prevent discrepancies and errors in your accounting integration. Transactions with dispatch dates can be locked.

You can control how long before a transaction is locked depending on a user's role. By default, users can't edit invoiced and dispatched transactions after:

  • 2 days (Standard users)

  • 16 days (Manager users)

  • Admin users can always edit transactions.

Locked transaction

Users will see a Transaction Closed - Updating Locked warningwhen a transaction is locked. They can not save any changes or void the transaction. Only invoiced and dispatched transactions can be locked.

Default transaction lock period

By default, Cin7 has the below transaction lock periods:

User role Transactions lock after
Standard 2 days
Manager 16 days
Administrator Any transaction regardless of invoice or dispatch date can be updated by an Administrator. You can also void a locked transaction.

Set a custom transaction lock period

You can customize the transaction lock periods for the standard and manager users.

  1. Select the user menu (your username) and then select Settings.

  2. Under Setup, select Transaction Lock Days.

  3. You can then set the number of days for standard and manager users. The maximum amount is 366 days. If a user needs longer, consider making that user an Administrator.

  4. Select Save.



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