Troubleshoot errors with Xero

Troubleshoot errors with Xero

Error: Account code or ID must be specified

You've tried syncing a transaction to Xero, but you haven't finished configuring your Accounts (Default Accounts and Landed Cost Accounts) in your Xero integration settings. You must configure every account.

To fix this error, configure your Accounts in your Xero integration settings. Then reset the error and retry syncing the transaction.

Error: The access token does not exist

You've tried syncing your cost of goods sold (COGS) to Xero, but your Xero integration isn't connected or the connection is unauthorized.

To fix this error, reconnect your Xero integration. Then resync your COGS.

Error: Organization is not subscribed to IDR

You've tried syncing a foreign currency transaction to Xero, but you haven't enabled that foreign currency in Xero.

To fix this issue, add the transaction's currency to Xero. Then reset the error and resync the transaction.

Error: The total debits ($...) must equal total credits ($...)

You've tried syncing an adjustment to Xero, but Omni made a rounding error.

To fix this issue, open, save, and resync the adjustment:

  1. From the Errors > Adjustments tab, open the affected adjustment (select its Reference).

  2. Select Go to Admin.

  3. Set Accounting Invoice Status to Not Imported Yet or Reset for Re-Import.

  4. Select Save.

  5. Open your Xero integration dashboard and resync the adjustment.

Error: Zero value transactions are not sent to Xero

You've tried syncing an adjustment to Xero, but the total value of the adjustment is 0.

You don't need to sync adjustments with a total value of 0, as they don't affect the value of your inventory.

To fix this issue, hide the adjustment from your Xero integration:

  1. From the Errors > Adjustments tab, open the affected adjustment (select its Reference).

  2. Select Go to Admin.

  3. Set Accounting Invoice Status to Do Not Import.

  4. Select Save.

Error: The TaxType code '...' cannot be used with account code '...'

Sales orders (and credit notes)

You've tried syncing a sales order to Xero, but there's a problem with one of the effective tax rates. Either:

  • The tax rate doesn't exist.

  • The tax rate is for purchases.

To fix this issue, confirm whether the tax rate exists:

  1. Note the code of the tax rate (in the error message).

  2. On your Xero integration dashboard, open the Admin > Tax Rates tab.

  3. Find the tax rate in the list (find its code in the Code column)

If you can't find the tax rate, it doesn't exist. If you can find the tax rate, its type (in the Applies To column) will be Purchases.

The problematic tax rate is applied to an alternative general ledger (GL) account on the purchase order. You must find that alternative GL account and either update or delete its tax rate.

To find the alternative GL accounts on the sales order, open the sales order. Its alternative GL accounts are listed in two places:

  • The Alternative GL Account field (under Contact)

  • The Account column of each line item

Open each alternative GL account (user menu > Settings > Alternative GL Accounts), and where you find the problematic tax rate, either (a) delete it or (b) change it to a tax rate for sales (that is, a tax rate with an Applies To of Sales). Then reset the error and resync the sales order.

For credit notes, perform the same troubleshooting. Find out more about assigning tax rate to alternative GL accounts.

Purchase orders (and supplier credit notes)

You've tried syncing a purchase order to Xero, but there's a problem with one of the effective tax rates. Either:

  • The tax rate doesn't exist.

  • The tax rate is for sales.

To fix this issue, confirm whether the tax rate exists:

  1. Note the code of the tax rate (in the error message).

  2. On your Xero integration dashboard, open the Admin > Tax Rates tab.

  3. Find the tax rate in the list (find its code in the Code column)

If you can't find the tax rate, it doesn't exist. If you can find the tax rate, its type (in the Applies To column) will be Sales.

The problematic tax rate will be applied to an alternative general ledger (GL) account on the sales order. You must find that alternative GL account and either update or delete its tax rate.

To find the alternative GL accounts on the purchase order, open the purchase order. Its alternative GL accounts are listed in two places:

  • The Alternative GL Account field (under Contact)

  • The Account column of each line item

Open each alternative GL account (user menu > Settings > Alternative GL Accounts), and where you find the problematic tax rate, either (a) delete it or (b) change it to a tax rate for purchases (that is, a tax rate with an Applies To of Purchases). Then reset the error and resync the purchase order.

For supplier credit notes, perform the same troubleshooting. Find out more about assigning tax rate to alternative GL accounts.

Error: Invoice not of valid status for modification

You've tried syncing a sales order to Xero, but an invoice for that sales order already exists and can't be edited in Xero.

To fix this error, first review the sales order (in Omni) and its invoice (in Xero). If both are correct, mark the sales order as in-sync:

  1. Open the sales order.

  2. Select Go to Admin.

  3. Set Accounting Invoice Status to Imported.

  4. Select Save.

Else, if either the sales order or the invoice are out of date, you must create, update, and sync a new version of the sale, and remove the original:

  1. Open the sales order.

  2. Select Go to Admin.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Create New Version A, B, C.

  4. Set up the new sales order correctly and then select Approve.

  5. Now sync the new sales order to Xero.

  6. Finally void the original sales order and void or delete the original invoice.

Error: An error occurred while trying to process a request with Xero: Bad Request

You’ve tried syncing an adjustment to Xero, but the Adjustment Reason contains invalid characters.

To fix this error:

  1. Open the adjustment.

  2. Remove invalid characters from the Adjustment Reason, such as:

    • #

    • &

  3. Select Save.

  4. Reset the error.

  5. Resync the adjustment.

Error: Customer’s / Supplier’s link is invalid

You’ve tried syncing a transaction to Xero but the contact is linked to an archived contact. To fix this issue, you must reset the error and relink the contact:

  1. Reset the error.

  2. On your Xero integration dashboard, open either Sales > Customers or Purchases > Suppliers.

  3. Select the contact.

  4. At the bottom of the page, click Unlink Selected.

  5. Click Unlink.

  6. Either:

    1. To link this contact to an existing Xero contact, use the Search column to find and select that contact.

    2. To upload this contact as a new Xero contact, select the contact and click Upload Selected at the bottom of the page.

  7. Resync the transaction.

Alternatively, you can also restore the Xero contact, reset the error, and then resync the transaction.

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