Reset errors with BigCommerce

Reset errors with BigCommerce


Find out how to reset errors with your BigCommerce integration.

You may encounter errors when uploading stock levels, sales order statuses, or product information to BigCommerce.

When an error occurs, you’ll see a Failed or Error icon below the button that executes the relevant function (for example, below Update Dispatched Orders). You must review the error, troubleshoot the issue, then reset the error. Once you’ve reset the error, you can re-execute that function.

To review errors, either:

  • On the Order Status tile, select Order Status Errors.

  • On the Stock Activity tile, select Stock Update Errors.

  • On the Product Activity tile, select Update Recent Modified Pricing (even if you’re not updating prices) and then Product Upload Errors.

To reset an error:

  1. Open the relevant errors page (see above).

  2. Select the checkbox beside the error (or, to reset all errors, select the checkbox in the header).

  3. Select Reset Errors.

Now you can re-execute the function that caused the error.

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