Map products to Amazon Seller

Map products to Amazon Seller


Find out how to map, unmap, and remap Amazon Seller and Cin7 Omni products.

A mapping links a product in Amazon Seller to a product in Cin7 Omni.

Mappings ensure your products’ costs, prices, stock levels, and other descriptive details stay in sync. They reduce the need for manual data entry, improve the customer experience, and ultimately underpin a centralized inventory.

When you download a new product from Amazon Seller, a mapping is automatically created between the product’s Omni and Amazon Seller versions. But you can create mappings for products that already exist in both Amazon Seller and Omni too, and delete mappings that are obsolete.

What products can I map?

You can create mappings between:

  • An Amazon Seller product to an Omni product

  • An Amazon Seller product to an Omni product option

  • An Amazon Seller product to an Omni size option

  • An Amazon Seller variation to an Omni product

  • An Amazon Seller variation to an Omni product option

  • An Amazon Seller variation to an Omni size option

To create a mapping, the products must be mappable. That means the SKU of the Amazon Seller product or variation must match the Code or Barcode of the Omni product, product option, or size option.

The products must be completely unmapped, too. For Omni products, that means neither the product nor any of its options or size options have mappings to Amazon Seller. And for Amazon Seller products, it means neither the product nor any of its variations have mappings to Omni. To create new mappings for partially mapped products, you must entirely unmap the products and create new mappings (find out how to remap products below).

Keep in mind that Cin7 products always have at least one option. So when you create a mapping from an Omni product, you’re really creating a mapping to the product’s default option.

Create mappings

To create mappings, you must have turned on Products in your Amazon Seller integration settings. Then:

  1. Log in to Cin7 Omni.

  2. From the Integrations menu in the navigation, open your Amazon Seller integration.

  3. On the Product Status tile, select Download Products.

  4. Open the Download Products tab.

  5. Select either:

    1. Import Products Created Since Last Import to only create mappings for unmapped, mappable Amazon Seller products created since you last downloaded products, or

    2. Import All Products to create mappings for all unmapped, mappable Amazon Seller products.

  6. You’ll be given the total number of unmapped Amazon Seller products. Some of these products may be unmappable and won’t have mappings created – you can download these products instead, or create custom mappings (below). Select Next to create your mappings.

  7. You'll be given a summary. The total number of Existing Price Options Linked and Existing Size Options Linked is the number of mappings that were created.

You’ve created your mappings. Now select Back to Dashboard, where you can view your mappings (see below).

Create custom mappings

A custom mapping links unmapped, unmappable products.

Like a regular mapping, a custom mapping links Amazon Seller and Omni products. The difference is that the SKU of the Amazon Seller product doesn’t need to match the Code or Barcode of the Omni product.

To create a custom mapping, follow the steps above to create regular mappings. Then:

  1. Select Next. You’ll be taken to the Custom Mappings tab.

  2. Select Download Products to Apply Custom Mappings. A spreadsheet will download.

  3. Open the spreadsheet. Each row is an unmapped, unmappable Amazon Seller product. You can create custom mappings for any of these products.

  4. For each product you want to create a custom mapping for, enter the Code of the Omni product, product option, or size option that you want to map it to into the column “Cin7 Code.”

  5. Save the spreadsheet.

  6. In Cin7 Omni, select Choose File and upload the edited spreadsheet.

  7. Select Next. You’ll be given a summary. The number of Product Options Mapped is the number of custom mappings that were created.

You've created your custom mappings. Now select Back to Dashboard, where you can view your mappings (see below).

View and delete mappings

  1. Log in to Cin7 Omni.

  2. From the Integrations menu in the navigation, open your Amazon Seller integration.

  3. On the Product Status tile, select View Mapped Products.

  4. Either:

    1. To delete a single mapping, select Delete next to it, or

    2. To delete all mappings, select Delete Allthis cannot be undone.


In order to create a new mapping between an Omni and Amazon Seller product, the product must both be entirely unmapped – for example, you can’t create a mapping between a new product option and its matching variation if existing options and variations of that product are already mapped.

So, if you create new Omni products, product options, or size options to map to Amazon Seller – or, conversely, if you create new Amazon Seller products or variations to map to Omni – and either the Omni or Amazon Seller product is already partially mapped, you must completely remap the product:

  1. Delete the mappings (see above) connected to the Omni product (including options, and size options) and the Amazon Seller product (including variations) for which you want to create an additional mapping.

  2. Create new mappings (see above).

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